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General annotation
FunctionFunction unknown; involved in cellular metabolism.
ProductPossible amidase (aminohydrolase)
CommentsRv3175, (MTV014.19), len: 495 aa. Possible amidase , similar to others e.g. Q9F6D0|ZHUL enantiomer selective amidase from Streptomyces sp. R1128 (507 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 1328 ,E(): 7.5e-69, (44.5% identity in 492 aa overlap); BAB51815|MLR5350 probable amidase from Rhizobium loti (Mesorhizobium loti) (457 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 7487, E(): 1.3e-35, (35.9% identity in 482 aa overlap); O28325|YJ54_ARCFU|AF1954 putative amidase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus (453 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 532, E(): 3.2e-23, (32.05% identity in 471 aa overlap); etc. But also similar to glutamyl-tRNA amidotransferases who belong to amidase family e.g. Q9RTA9|DR1856 glutamyl-tRNA(GLN) amidotransferase, subunit A from Deinococcus radiodurans (482 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 560, E(): 8.2e-25, (30.6% identity in 513 aa overlap); Q9LCX3|GATA GLU/asp-tRNA amidotransferase subunit A from Thermus aquaticus (subsp. thermophilus) (471 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 558, E(): 1.1e-24, (30.85% identity in 486 aa overlap); Q49091|GATA_MORCA glutamyl-tRNA(GLN) amidotransferase subunit A from Moraxella catarrhalis (492 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 526, E(): 7.5e-23, (30.45% identity in 473 aa overlap); etc. Seems to belong to the amidase family. Contains PS00017 ATP/GTP-binding site motif A (P-loop). This region is a possible MT-complex-specific genomic island (See Becq et al., 2007).
Functional categoryIntermediary metabolism and respiration
MutantNon-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv in a MtbYM rich medium, by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis (see Minato et al. 2019). Non-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv, by analysis of saturated Himar1 transposon libraries (see DeJesus et al. 2017). Non essential gene by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis in H37Rv strain (see Sassetti et al., 2003). Non-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv, by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis (See Griffin et al., 2011).
Check for mutants available at TARGET website
Genomic sequence
Feature type Upstream flanking region (bp) Downstream flanking region (bp) Update
Protein sequence
>Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv|Rv3175|Rv3175