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virulence, detoxification, adaptation
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General annotation
FunctionUnknown, but thought to be involved in host cell invasion.
ProductMce-family protein Mce1B
CommentsRv0170, (MTCI28.10), len: 346 aa. Mce1B (alternate gene name: mceD); belongs to 24-membered Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mce protein family (see citations below), highly similar to Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins O07788|Rv0590|MTCY19H5.32c|mce2B (275 aa); O53968|Rv1967|MTV051.05|mce3B (342 aa); etc. Also highly similar to others e.g. NP_302657.1|NC_002677 putative secreted protein from Mycobacterium leprae (346 aa); CAC12797.1|AL445327 putative secreted protein from Streptomyces coelicolor (354 aa); etc. Contains hydrophobic region in N-terminal 30 residues. In Escherichia coli, N-terminal part is functional and directs export of a leaderless beta-lactamase into the periplasm (see Chubb et al., 1998). Predicted to be an outer membrane protein (See Song et al., 2008).
Functional categoryVirulence, detoxification, adaptation
ProteomicsIdentified in the membrane fraction of M. tuberculosis H37Rv using 1D-SDS-PAGE and uLC-MS/MS; predicted transmembrane protein (See Gu et al., 2003). Predicted secreted protein - identified in culture filtrates of M. tuberculosis H37Rv; signal peptide predicted (See Malen et al., 2007). Identified by mass spectrometry in Triton X-114 extracts of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (See Malen et al., 2010). Identified by mass spectrometry in the membrane protein fraction and whole cell lysates of M. tuberculosis H37Rv but not the culture filtrate; enriched in the membrane fraction and predicted N-terminal signal peptide is uncleaved (See de Souza et al., 2011).
TranscriptomicsmRNA identified by SCOTS method, 48h and 110h after infection of cultured human primary macrophages (see Graham & Clark-Curtiss 1999). Also identified by RT-PCR (see Harboe et al., 1999) and by microarray analysis; down-regulated after 24h and 96h of starvation (see Betts et al., 2002).
OperonRv0169 and Rv0170, Rv0170 and Rv0171 are co-transcribed, by RT-PCR (See Casali et al., 2006).
MutantNon-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv in a MtbYM rich medium, by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis (see Minato et al. 2019). Non-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv, by analysis of saturated Himar1 transposon libraries (see DeJesus et al. 2017). Non essential gene by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis in H37Rv strain (see Sassetti et al., 2003). Required for growth in C57BL/6J mouse spleen, by transposon site hybridization (TraSH) in H37Rv (See Sassetti and Rubin, 2003). Required for survival in primary murine macrophages, by transposon site hybridization (TraSH) in H37Rv (See Rengarajan et al., 2005). Non-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv, by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis (See Griffin et al., 2011).
Check for mutants available at TARGET website
Genomic sequence
Feature type Upstream flanking region (bp) Downstream flanking region (bp) Update
Protein sequence
>Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv|Rv0170|mce1B