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virulence, detoxification, adaptation
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General annotation
FunctionUnknown, but supposed involvement in virulence.
ProductPeptidoglycan hydrolase
CommentsRv1477, (MTV007.24), len: 472 aa. RipA, peptidoglycan hydrolase (see Hett et al., 2007). Secreted, cell-associated protein. The last 277 residues are nearly identical to those of AF0060|AF006054_1 hypothetical invasion protein INV1 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (277 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 1833, E(): 0, (98.2% identity in 277 aa overlap); also very similar to AF0021|AF002133_4 invasin 1 protein from Mycobacterium avium (273 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 1452, E(): 0, (78.1% identity in 279 aa overlap). Similar to Rv1566c|MTCY336.37|Z95586 Mycobacterium tuberculosis cosmid (230 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 528, E(): 4.4e-20, (52.0% identity in 150 aa overlap); and weakly similar to p60 proteins of Listeria spp throughout its length e.g. M80351|LISIAPB_1 Listeria monocytogenes iap-related protein (478 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 251, E(): 8e-06, (24.4% identity in 487 aa overlap). C-terminal domain highly similar to next orf Rv1478|MTV007.25. Interacts with RpfB and RpfE (see Hett et al., 2007). Predicted to be an outer membrane protein (See Song et al., 2008).
Functional categoryVirulence, detoxification, adaptation
ProteomicsPredicted secreted protein - identified in culture filtrates of M. tuberculosis H37Rv; signal peptide predicted and cleavable signal sequence confirmed experimentally (See Malen et al., 2007). Identified by mass spectrometry in the culture filtrate and whole cell lysates of M. tuberculosis H37Rv but not the membrane protein fraction (See de Souza et al., 2011).
MutantEssential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv in a MtbYM rich medium, by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis (see Minato et al. 2019). Essential gene domain for in vitro growth of H37Rv, by analysis of saturated Himar1 transposon libraries (see DeJesus et al. 2017). Essential gene by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis in H37Rv strain (see Sassetti et al., 2003). Essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv, by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis (See Griffin et al., 2011).
Check for mutants available at TARGET website
Genomic sequence
Feature type Upstream flanking region (bp) Downstream flanking region (bp) Update
Protein sequence
>Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv|Rv1477|ripA