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virulence, detoxification, adaptation
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cell wall and cell processes
stable RNAs
insertion seqs and phages
intermediary metabolism and respiration
regulatory proteins
conserved hypotheticals
lipid metabolism
General annotation
FunctionPossibly required for the transposition of an insertion element.
ProductPossible transposase
CommentsRv3638, (MTCY15C10.14c), len: 248 aa. Possible transposase, highly similar to Q9RLQ8|ISTB ISTB protein from Mycobacterium bovis (266 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 784, E(): 4e-46, (78.0% identity in 259 aa overlap); and similar to others e.g. P15026|ISTB_PSEAE insertion sequence IS21 putative ATP-binding protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (265 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 420, E(): 2.2e-21, (38.8% identity in 255 aa overlap); Q45619|ISTB_BACST insertion sequence IS5376 putative ATP-binding protein from Bacillus stearothermophilus (251 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 402, E(): 3.6e-20, (34.5% identity in 232 aa overlap); P15026|ISTB_ECOLI ISTB protein from Escherichia coli (265 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 419, E(): 8e-23, (38.8% identity in 255 aa overlap); etc. C-terminus highly similar to C-terminus of P96287|Rv2944|MTCY24G1.05 hypothetical 25.5 KDA protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv (alias AAK47343|MT3016 IS1533, ORFB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain CDC1551) (238 aa), FASTA scores: opt: 784, E(): 3.6e-46, (87.4% identity in 135 aa overlap).
Functional categoryInsertion seqs and phages
MutantNon-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv in a MtbYM rich medium, by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis (see Minato et al. 2019). Non-essential gene for in vitro growth of H37Rv, by analysis of saturated Himar1 transposon libraries (see DeJesus et al. 2017). Non essential gene by Himar1 transposon mutagenesis in H37Rv strain (see Sassetti et al., 2003).
Check for mutants available at TARGET website
Genomic sequence
Feature type Upstream flanking region (bp) Downstream flanking region (bp) Update
Protein sequence
>Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv|Rv3638|Rv3638